Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The New Mrs. Smith

I'd call myself "The Newest Mrs. Smith," but I'm quite sure that's not true.

For a long time, I thought I'd stay a Swanson, then I thought I'd hyphenate. A few weeks ago, I had to make the decision.

Dan wanted me to become a Smith. He wanted to have a name that I'd be proud to take. Over the past 16 months he has proven to me that it's true. I love being Mrs. Smith, because I am proud to be Dan's wife.

I am Hope Elizabeth Swanson Smith. Two middle names, just like my husband. The second one won't be used much, but it's nice to know it's there. I'm still a Swanson.

Our wedding day was almost perfect.

I woke up early and drove myself to Starbucks. I needed a few minutes alone, unmarried, before jumping into a long day of hugs, dancing, crying, and being surrounded by people. I'm an introvert. We need things like that.

Horror of horrors, it was raining when I woke up. By the time I got home with my Coconut Mocha, the rain had stopped.

My bridesmaids stayed at my house the night before the wedding, so we packed up, loaded the cars, and drove to the church. The sunrise was beautiful after a night of rain. I could tell it was going to be a beautiful day.

We got everything put together, the hair stylists showed up (a gift from one of my maids of honor), and I got to sit down for an hour while Bre made my hair look better than it ever has or ever will again.

I put on my makeup, the photographers arrived, we all got ready. My mom zipped and unzipped my dress a dozen times, which made for some laughs and good pictures. My maids of honor put on my shoes, which was generally hilarious. I'm too independent for such things, but we did it anyway.

Then I got to see my husband and get the first dirt on my dress. It speaks to the excitement of the day that I just didn't care. I was standing in front of the man I was about to marry.

Then I changed back out of my dress, into another white dress to go greet our guests for brunch. I can't wait to wear that dress again. It is an incredible dress. I'll probably make my husband take me out to a nice dinner (huzzah for wedding money).

After about twenty minutes, I went and got back into my dress and we went and took pictures.

And then it was time to walk down the aisle. (Yes, a-i-s-l-e. Please.)

Original lyrics written for us to the tune of a James Taylor song.
A prayer read by our friend Andrew.
A short wedding sermon.
Personal vows.
Wedding rings.
Unity PB&J ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Hope Smith.
"You're My Best Friend"
Walk out.

Then we got back and took some more pictures.
Then my mom got stuck in an elevator. (Her first chance to be alone and take a break.)

She told us to go ahead and go to the park for the Apps'n Serts Reception. (This was a smaller gathering for family and closer friends.)

So we went. It was mostly a typical reception with toasts, eating, dancing, pictures, not talking to everybody because we didn't walk around to each table.

The biggest exception was the Father-Daughter Dance.

My dad doesn't dance. So we had a car ride. It's something we came up with a while ago, but he modified it and surprised me a bit. It started as the two of us in chairs, Dad with a Wii steering wheel.

He told me what was going to happen.

My brother grabbed another two chairs and brought my mom over.
Then he grabbed two more chairs for himself and his wife.

Then my dad found my new husband, handed over the steering wheel, and sat down behind us, next to my mom.

The song? "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything."

More dancing, pictures, food, hugs, sweat.

And then we went home. To OUR home. Where I sit, right now.

Being married is great. It's difficult and strange and new and fun.

Dan going back to work after a week off together has been less fun. but I'll admit that it hasn't been all bad. I get to spend time working on putting stuff away, which we've been neglecting too much for the past month. Seriously, we've been moving in for a month.

I've officially been Mrs. Smith (pending receiving my new Social Security card) for less than a day, but it's been eleven days since our wedding, and it has been a wonderful new adventure. I'm glad I don't have to wait for it anymore. I like being married.

And now I need to go empty a box of stuff and find places to put it.

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